Mirage Executive Charters Pilot Awards

Award Description Image
100 Flights Flights Flown with MEC
100 Hours Total Mirage Hours Flown
1000 Flights Flights Flown with MEC
1000 Hours Total Mirage Hours Flown
10000 Hours 10,000 Total Mirage Hours Flown
1500 Hours Total Mirage Hours Flown
1st To Finish Bush Return PAEN to KRNT
1st To Finish Bush Tour KRNT to PAEN
25 Flights Flights Flown with MEC
25 Hours Total Mirage Hours Flown
250 Flights Flights Flown with MEC
2500 Hours Total Mirage Hours Flown
2nd to Finish Bush Return PAEN to KRNT
2nd to Finish Bush Tour KRNT to PAEN
3rd to Finish Bush Return PAEN to KRNT
3rd to Finish Bush Tour KRNT to PAEN
50 Flights Flights Flown with MEC
500 Flights Flights Flown with MEC
500 Hours Total Mirage Hours Flown
5000 Flights 5,000 Total Flights With Mirage
5000 Hours 5,000 Total Mirage Hours Flown
7500 Hours Total Mirage Hours Flown
A330 Challenge Badge A330 Challenge Tour Award
AirMail Tour 1st Place Finished First
AirMail Tour 2nd Place Finished Second
AirMail Tour 3rd Place Finished Third
AirMail Tour Completed Completion of Air Mail Tour
Airshow DoTM Award Completion of ALL monthly flights
Alaska Saturdays Completion of Alaska Saturdays Tour
Aleutian Islands Tour Completion of Aleutian Islands Tour
Amazon River Tour Completion of Amazon River Tour
Antonov 225 Tour Completion of the AN225 Tour
April Fools Fly-In Awarded for flying 2017 April Event
Atlantic Tour Badge Completion of Atlantic Tour
ATS Colorado Award AMerican Truck Simulator Colorado Tour Completion
Australia Loop Tour 1st P Finished First
Australia Loop Tour 2nd P Finished Second
Australia Loop Tour 3rd P Finished Third
Australia Tour Completed Completion of Australia Loop Tour
Austrian Mtns 1st Place Finished First
Austrian Mtns 2nd Place Finished Second
Austrian Mtns 3rd Place Finished Third
Austrian Mtns Completed Completion of Austrian Tour
B787 Tour 1st Place B787 World Tour 1st Place
B787 World Touir 3rd Plac B787 World Tour 3rd Place
B787 World Tour 2nd Place B787 World Tour 2nd Place
B787 World Tour Completio B787 World Tour Completion
BAE/RJ Tour Part 2 Badge Award for completing BAE/RJ part 2
Blue Angels Tour 2nd plac Finished Second
Blue Angels Tour 3rd plac Finished Third
BlueAngels Tour 1st place Finished First
BlueAngels Tour Complete Completed Blue Angels Tour
Breaking Sound Barrier To Completed Breaking the Sound Barrier Tour
Bundesliga Tour Completing the Bundesliga Tour
Bush Return 2016 PAEN to KRNT
Bush Tour 2016 KRNT to PAEN
Canada Capitals 1st place Finished First
Canada Capitals 2nd Place Finished Second
Canada Capitals 3rd Place Finished Third
Canada Capitals Complete Completed Canada Capital Tour
Caribbean Tour Completion of Caribbean Tour
Caribbean Tour 1st Place First to finish the Caribbean Tour
Caribbean Tour 2nd Place Second to finish the Caribbean Tour
Caribbean Tour 3rd Place Third to finish the Caribbean Tour
Chile Tour Award Badge for Completing the Chile Tour
Classics Tour - D18S Completion of the Beech D18S Tour
D Day Award Badge if completed either Part 1 or 2
DanAir BAE-RJ Tour Comple BAE-RJ Tour Part 1 Completed
DoTM 2020 Award For completing all 12 months in 2020
DoTM 2021 Award For completing all 12 months in 2021
DoTM 2022 Award For completing all 12 months in 2022
DoTM 2023 Award For completing all 12 months in 2023
DoTM 2024 Award For completing all 12 months in 2024
DoTM Flights 2018 Completion of ALL monthly flights
DoTM Flights 2019 Completion of ALL monthly flights
Eastern Airways Tour 1st Eastern Airways Tour 1st Place
Eastern Airways Tour 2nd Eastern Airways Tour 2nd Place
Eastern Airways Tour 3rd Eastern Airways Tour 3rd Place
Eastern Airways Tour Comp Awarded for completing the Eastern Airways Tour
English Region Tour Completing the English Region Tour
EUR BytheSea 1st Place Finshed First
EUR BytheSea 2nd Place Finished Second
EUR BytheSea 3rd Place Finshed Third
EUR BytheSea Completed Completion of EUR BytheSea
F1-PT1 Tour First Place Finished First
F1-PT1 Tour Completed Completion of Formula 1 Tour
F1-PT1 Tour Second Place Finished Second
F1-PT1 Tour Third Place Finished Third
F1-PT2 Tour Completed Completion of Formula 1 Tour - PT2
F1-PT2 Tour First Place Finished First - PT2
F1-PT2 Tour Second Place Finished Second - PT2
F1-PT2 Tour Third Place Finished Third - PT2
F16 Tbird Tour 1st place Finished First
F16 Tbird Tour 2nd Place Finished Second
F16 Tbird Tour 3rd Place Finished Third
F16 Tbird Tour Completion Completed F16 Tour
Father's Day Fly-in June Fly-in Award
Florida Seaplane Operatio Award for Completing Florida Seaplane Ops
GA 4 Corners Arizona Tour Completed
GA 4 Corners NM Tour Completed
GA 4 Corners Tour Completed
GA 4 Corners Utah Tour Completed
GA 4Corners Colorado Tour Completed
GA California Tour Completed
GA Florida Tour Completed
GA North East Tour Completed
GA Tennessee Tour Completed
Gideon's Citation X Award For completing Gideon's Citation X Tour
Great Lakes 1st Place Finished First
Great Lakes 2nd Place Finished Second
Great Lakes 3rd Place Finished Third
Great Lakes Completed Completed Great Lakes Tour
Hawaiian B717 Tour Completed Tour
Hawaiian B717 Tour 1st First Place
Hawaiian B717 Tour 2nd Second Place
Hawaiian B717 Tour 3rd Third Place
Italy Tour Completion of the Italy Tour
July 4th Fly-in Award Group flight with MacAir
LEBL April Fly-In Fly-In for April
Loganair Tour 1st Place Loganair Tour 1st Place
Loganair Tour 2nd Place Loganair Tour 2nd Place
Loganair Tour 3rd Place Loganair Tour 3rd Place
Loganair Tour Completion Awarded for completing the Logainair Tour
London/Melbourne Air Race Completed London to Melbourne Air Race
Long Runway Tour Completion of Long Runway Tour
MacAir Anniversary Badge Flight to VQPR July 2018
March Global Holiday Fly- Awarded for flying 2017 March Event
Master Tour Guide Badge for Completing 50 Tours
May Fly-In Awarded for flying 2017 May Event
Mexico Tour Part 1 Completion of the Mexico Tour part 1
Mexico Tour Part 2 Completion of the Mexico Tour part 2
Military East US Tour Completed Eastern half Military bases
Mirage Belgium Tour Award for completing Belgium Tour
Mirage Donor Ribbon for Donation
Mirage/MacAir Members Pilots that belong to both VAs
MRT PT1 Complete Completion of MRT PT1
MRT PT1 First Place Finished First
MRT PT1 Second Place Finished Second
MRT PT1 Third Place Finished Third
MRT PT2 Complete Completion of MRT - PT2
MRT PT2 First Place Finished First - PT2
MRT PT2 Second Place Finished Second - PT2
MRT PT2 Third Place Finished Third - PT2
NASCAR 1st to Finish #1 to Finish NASCAR Tour
NASCAR 2nd to Finish #2 to Finish NASCAR Tour
NASCAR 3rd to Finish #3 to Finish NASCAR Tour
NASCAR Tour Completion of NASCAR Tour
New England Tour 1st Plac Finished First
New England Tour 2nd Plac Finished Second
New England Tour 3rd Plac Finished Third
New England Tour Complete Completion of New England Tour
New Zealand Tour Badge for Completing the New Zealand Tour
Orient Express Completion of the Orient Express Tour
PanAm Historical World To PAA World Tour Completed
Papua New Guinea Tour Completion of the Papua New Guinea Tour
Pony Express Pony Express Completed
Q400 Scandinavia Tour Completion of Q400 Tour
Railroad Tour - Southern Completion of the Southern RR Tour
Railroad Tour - All Four Completion of ALL Four RR Tours
Railroad Tour - Canada Completion of the Canada RR Tour
Railroad Tour - Central Completion of the Central RR Tour
Railroad Tour - N America Completion of the North American RR Tour
Regions of England Tour Completion of Regions of England Tour
Rock'n Me Tour Keep on Rock'n Me Tour Completion
Route 66 1st Place First to finish the Route 66 Tour
Route 66 2nd Place Seond to finish the Route 66 Tour
Route 66 3rd Place Third to finish the Route 66 Tour
Route 66 Tour Completion of Route 66 Tour
Senior Tour Guide Badge for Completing 25 Tours
Seychelles Island Tour Co Finished all legs of tour
Smoky Mountain Tour Completed Tour
South Africa Tour Completion of South Africa Tour
Swiss Alps Tour 1st Place Finished First
Swiss Alps Tour 2nd Place Finished Second
Swiss Alps Tour 3rd Place Finished Third
Swiss Alps Tour Completed Completed Swiss Alps Tour
Talladega Nights Tour Completion of the Talladega Nights Tour
Tom's ProBass Tour 1st Finished First
Tom's ProBass Tour 2nd Finished Second
Tom's ProBass Tour 3rd Finished Third
Tom's Special Award Ist pilot to reach 2600 flights & 6000 hours
Tom's Tour Completed Completed Tom's ProBass Tour
Tour Guide Badge for Completing 10 Tours
TripleCrown Trail Part 1 Completion of CDT Trail
TripleCrown Trail Part 2 Completion of PCT Trail
TripleCrown Trail Part 3 Completion of AT Trail
US Capitals Tour - 3 Part Award for completing all 3 parts of tour
Valentine Event Award Awarded for flying 2017 February Event
W Virginia Almost Heaven Badge for Completing the W Virginia Tour
Wenatchee Wenatchee Tour Completion
West Caribbean Tour Completion of West Caribbean Tour
West Caribbean Tour 1st P First to finish the West Caribbean Tour
West Caribbean Tour 2nd P Second to finish the West Caribbean Tour
West Caribbean Tour 3rd P Third to finish the West Caribbean Tour
World Tour Completion of World Tour
World Tour 1st 1st to Finish World Tour
World Tour 2nd 2nd to Finish World Tour
World Tour 3rd 3rd to Finish World Tour