DoTM for May 2024

This month's DOTM we will be recreating the famous flight of the french build airplane,The White Bird. 

This recreation of the disappearance of the first non-stop transatlantic attempt between Paris and New York City is 97 years old this May. Less than two weeks later, Charles Lindbergh successfully made the New York–Paris journey and claimed the prize in the Spirit of St. Louis.

You will be taking off from Paris-Le Bourget Airport (LFPB) and flying over the English Channel to land at Bournemouth (EGHH). 

The flight is 208nm which is just a part of the actual flight, or what is believed to be part of the flight since the disappearance is considered one of the great mysteries in aviation history.

Posted By: Pat Leclerc

News Id: 204 posted on 2024-05-07 19:34:11
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