Additional Log Information:
2025-01-07T14:12:23.722Z - Flying PMDG 777F FedEx Express (N857FD | 2010)
2025-01-07T14:12:23.723Z - Now boarding
2025-01-07T14:46:05.255Z - Pushing back
2025-01-07T14:46:33.841Z - Engine 2 On
2025-01-07T14:47:06.522Z - Fuel increased to 95223
2025-01-07T14:47:36.096Z - Engine 1 On
2025-01-07T14:48:15.274Z - Flaps set to 1%
2025-01-07T14:48:19.846Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-01-07T14:48:23.914Z - Flaps set to 3%
2025-01-07T14:50:17.924Z - Taxiing out
2025-01-07T14:50:40.405Z - Fuel increased to 95097
2025-01-07T14:50:52.400Z - Fuel increased to 95091
2025-01-07T14:53:55.554Z - Fuel increased to 94976
2025-01-07T14:54:00.174Z - Fuel increased to 94973
2025-01-07T14:54:13.473Z - Fuel increased to 94964
2025-01-07T14:54:17.008Z - Fuel increased to 94961
2025-01-07T14:54:19.056Z - Fuel increased to 94960
2025-01-07T14:57:21.284Z - Fuel increased to 94836
2025-01-07T14:57:24.333Z - Fuel increased to 94834
2025-01-07T14:57:38.065Z - Fuel increased to 94824
2025-01-07T14:57:42.616Z - Fuel increased to 94822
2025-01-07T15:00:56.098Z - Fuel increased to 94692
2025-01-07T15:01:05.283Z - Fuel increased to 94688
2025-01-07T15:01:57.846Z - Taking off
2025-01-07T15:02:30.523Z - Climbing at 191 kts, 9 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2025-01-07T15:02:33.569Z - Gear lever raised
2025-01-07T15:03:41.147Z - Descending with 3947 nm to go
2025-01-07T15:03:45.779Z - Stalling
2025-01-07T15:03:46.781Z - Stall recovered
2025-01-07T15:03:51.972Z - Reached minimum speed of 213 kts
2025-01-07T15:04:12.403Z - Stalling
2025-01-07T15:04:14.943Z - Stall recovered
2025-01-07T15:04:34.340Z - Climbing at 251 kts, 9 degrees pitch, -7 degrees bank
2025-01-07T15:04:56.769Z - Reached 262 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:05:14.642Z - Reached 261 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:05:32.987Z - Reached 259 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:05:49.843Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2025-01-07T15:06:28.933Z - Reached 262 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:07:21.226Z - Reached 257 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:07:33.512Z - Reached 258 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:07:46.368Z - Reached 259 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:08:03.409Z - Reached 260 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:08:26.944Z - Reached 260 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:08:58.608Z - Reached 261 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:10:18.165Z - Reached 293 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-07T15:28:23.186Z - Cruising at 30000 ft
2025-01-07T22:46:34.595Z - Fuel increased to 15758
2025-01-07T23:44:16.360Z - Descending with 138 nm to go
2025-01-08T00:00:21.256Z - Fuel increased to 6444
2025-01-08T00:06:50.844Z - Approach started at 8280 ft AGL with 12 nm to go
2025-01-08T00:13:35.257Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-01-08T00:19:17.467Z - On final at 1291 ft with 4 nm to go at 170 kts, 3 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2025-01-08T00:20:32.116Z - Touched down at -583 fpm, 1.3g, 151 kts, true heading 359, 6 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank, wind 010 at 10 kts
2025-01-08T00:21:12.055Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 1527 ft
2025-01-08T00:21:24.827Z - Fuel increased to 3098
2025-01-08T00:21:30.948Z - Fuel increased to 3096
2025-01-08T00:21:49.010Z - Fuel increased to 3087
2025-01-08T00:21:52.050Z - Fuel increased to 3085
2025-01-08T00:24:47.799Z - Fuel increased to 2979
2025-01-08T00:24:53.956Z - Fuel increased to 2976
2025-01-08T00:24:59.051Z - Fuel increased to 2973
2025-01-08T00:25:05.151Z - Fuel increased to 2970
2025-01-08T00:25:07.201Z - Fuel increased to 2967
2025-01-08T00:28:03.741Z - Fuel increased to 2846
2025-01-08T00:28:06.819Z - Fuel increased to 2845
2025-01-08T00:28:08.863Z - Fuel increased to 2844
2025-01-08T00:28:10.365Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-01-08T00:28:11.874Z - Engine 2 Off
2025-01-08T00:28:12.912Z - Fuel increased to 2842