Additional Log Information:
2025-01-21T15:28:00.662Z - Flying PMDG 777F FedEx Express (N857FD | 2010)
2025-01-21T15:28:00.663Z - Now boarding
2025-01-21T15:42:56.311Z - Fuel increased to 84669
2025-01-21T15:59:12.467Z - Pushing back
2025-01-21T16:01:53.603Z - Engine 2 On
2025-01-21T16:02:58.633Z - Engine 1 On
2025-01-21T16:03:05.790Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-01-21T16:03:14.533Z - Flaps set to 3%
2025-01-21T16:04:54.955Z - Fuel increased to 84561
2025-01-21T16:04:58.045Z - Fuel increased to 84560
2025-01-21T16:06:21.325Z - Taxiing out
2025-01-21T16:08:03.943Z - Fuel increased to 84428
2025-01-21T16:08:08.091Z - Fuel increased to 84425
2025-01-21T16:08:14.742Z - Fuel increased to 84422
2025-01-21T16:08:17.839Z - Fuel increased to 84420
2025-01-21T16:10:20.638Z - Taking off
2025-01-21T16:10:55.159Z - Climbing at 199 kts, 10 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2025-01-21T16:10:59.254Z - Gear lever raised
2025-01-21T16:12:04.921Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2025-01-21T16:13:36.807Z - Descending with 3792 nm to go
2025-01-21T16:15:24.400Z - Climbing at 251 kts, 8 degrees pitch, 5 degrees bank
2025-01-21T16:16:06.073Z - Reached 258 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-21T16:19:36.722Z - Reached 277 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-01-21T16:36:52.583Z - Cruising at 30000 ft
2025-01-21T17:59:35.725Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T17:59:37.776Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T17:59:48.678Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T17:59:54.763Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T18:03:25.056Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T18:03:34.703Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T18:03:39.269Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T18:03:41.794Z - Fuel increased to 62684
2025-01-21T19:16:17.633Z - Fuel increased to 51104
2025-01-21T20:53:50.840Z - Fuel increased to 36608
2025-01-21T22:24:29.694Z - Fuel increased to 23843
2025-01-21T22:56:40.793Z - Fuel increased to 19455
2025-01-21T23:18:38.641Z - Fuel increased to 16468
2025-01-21T23:40:31.640Z - Fuel increased to 13472
2025-01-22T00:35:11.065Z - Fuel increased to 9071
2025-01-22T00:43:43.821Z - Descending with 119 nm to go
2025-01-22T00:56:14.604Z - Approach started at 8329 ft AGL with 44 nm to go
2025-01-22T01:02:51.154Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-01-22T01:08:17.758Z - On final at 1281 ft with 3 nm to go at 156 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2025-01-22T01:09:32.348Z - Touched down at -131 fpm, 1.1g, 147 kts, true heading 179, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank, wind 330 at 7 kts
2025-01-22T01:09:49.230Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 759 ft
2025-01-22T01:10:39.416Z - Fuel increased to 4891
2025-01-22T01:10:48.277Z - Fuel increased to 4885
2025-01-22T01:10:50.323Z - Fuel increased to 4884
2025-01-22T01:10:54.430Z - Fuel increased to 4881
2025-01-22T01:14:02.183Z - Fuel increased to 4779
2025-01-22T01:14:05.285Z - Fuel increased to 4778
2025-01-22T01:17:08.150Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-01-22T01:17:10.210Z - Engine 2 Off