Additional Log Information:
2025-02-15T16:27:11.404Z - Flying PMDG 737-900NGX WL United Airlines (Merger) Winglets
2025-02-15T16:27:11.409Z - Now boarding
2025-02-15T16:33:36.425Z - Flaps set to 4%
2025-02-15T16:34:19.553Z - Engine 2 On
2025-02-15T16:34:31.704Z - Pushing back
2025-02-15T16:35:07.169Z - Fuel increased to 5457
2025-02-15T16:35:47.360Z - Engine 1 On
2025-02-15T16:36:11.823Z - Fuel increased to 5443
2025-02-15T16:36:54.205Z - Fuel increased to 5431
2025-02-15T16:37:07.774Z - Fuel increased to 5428
2025-02-15T16:37:43.910Z - Fuel increased to 5418
2025-02-15T16:37:51.267Z - Fuel increased to 5416
2025-02-15T16:38:00.986Z - Taxiing out
2025-02-15T16:38:01.996Z - Fuel increased to 5409
2025-02-15T16:38:06.900Z - Fuel increased to 5407
2025-02-15T16:38:19.833Z - Fuel increased to 5400
2025-02-15T16:38:26.969Z - Fuel increased to 5398
2025-02-15T16:38:54.186Z - Fuel increased to 5390
2025-02-15T16:39:03.802Z - Fuel increased to 5388
2025-02-15T16:39:12.094Z - Fuel increased to 5381
2025-02-15T16:39:17.195Z - Fuel increased to 5379
2025-02-15T16:39:40.092Z - Fuel increased to 5371
2025-02-15T16:39:52.068Z - Fuel increased to 5369
2025-02-15T16:40:13.887Z - Fuel increased to 5362
2025-02-15T16:40:18.062Z - Fuel increased to 5361
2025-02-15T16:40:25.286Z - Fuel increased to 5354
2025-02-15T16:40:29.425Z - Fuel increased to 5351
2025-02-15T16:40:36.340Z - Fuel increased to 5345
2025-02-15T16:40:42.445Z - Fuel increased to 5340
2025-02-15T16:40:53.982Z - Fuel increased to 5332
2025-02-15T16:41:01.683Z - Fuel increased to 5327
2025-02-15T16:41:06.967Z - Fuel increased to 5322
2025-02-15T16:41:13.165Z - Fuel increased to 5317
2025-02-15T16:41:19.542Z - Fuel increased to 5312
2025-02-15T16:41:25.856Z - Fuel increased to 5308
2025-02-15T16:41:38.016Z - Fuel increased to 5303
2025-02-15T16:41:59.274Z - Fuel increased to 5298
2025-02-15T16:42:14.926Z - Fuel increased to 5294
2025-02-15T16:42:35.883Z - Fuel increased to 5289
2025-02-15T16:42:50.310Z - Fuel increased to 5285
2025-02-15T16:42:55.749Z - Fuel increased to 5281
2025-02-15T16:43:02.806Z - Fuel increased to 5276
2025-02-15T16:43:08.024Z - Fuel increased to 5271
2025-02-15T16:43:13.831Z - Fuel increased to 5266
2025-02-15T16:43:20.047Z - Fuel increased to 5261
2025-02-15T16:43:24.837Z - Fuel increased to 5257
2025-02-15T16:43:33.699Z - Fuel increased to 5251
2025-02-15T16:43:48.924Z - Fuel increased to 5247
2025-02-15T16:44:08.983Z - Fuel increased to 5243
2025-02-15T16:44:30.344Z - Fuel increased to 5238
2025-02-15T16:44:50.258Z - Fuel increased to 5234
2025-02-15T16:45:11.082Z - Fuel increased to 5229
2025-02-15T16:45:30.063Z - Fuel increased to 5224
2025-02-15T16:45:49.960Z - Fuel increased to 5219
2025-02-15T16:46:10.340Z - Fuel increased to 5215
2025-02-15T16:46:19.606Z - Fuel increased to 5211
2025-02-15T16:46:24.909Z - Fuel increased to 5206
2025-02-15T16:46:31.759Z - Fuel increased to 5202
2025-02-15T16:46:46.972Z - Fuel increased to 5196
2025-02-15T16:46:53.795Z - Fuel increased to 5192
2025-02-15T16:47:02.068Z - Fuel increased to 5186
2025-02-15T16:47:14.176Z - Fuel increased to 5183
2025-02-15T16:47:27.897Z - Fuel increased to 5178
2025-02-15T16:47:33.196Z - Fuel increased to 5174
2025-02-15T16:47:39.445Z - Fuel increased to 5169
2025-02-15T16:47:52.052Z - Fuel increased to 5164
2025-02-15T16:48:11.088Z - Fuel increased to 5159
2025-02-15T16:48:31.315Z - Fuel increased to 5154
2025-02-15T16:48:40.349Z - Fuel increased to 5150
2025-02-15T16:48:50.856Z - Taking off
2025-02-15T16:48:57.088Z - Fuel increased to 5117
2025-02-15T16:49:13.034Z - Climbing at 158 kts, 9 degrees pitch, 2 degrees bank
2025-02-15T16:49:14.728Z - Gear lever raised
2025-02-15T17:12:55.230Z - Cruising at 37000 ft
2025-02-15T17:13:34.657Z - Descending with 128 nm to go
2025-02-15T17:34:20.792Z - Approach started at 8045 ft AGL with 4 nm to go
2025-02-15T17:39:45.071Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-02-15T17:43:08.500Z - On final at 1038 ft with 3 nm to go at 140 kts, 2 degrees pitch, 4 degrees bank
2025-02-15T17:45:03.201Z - Going around at 60 ft AGL, 127 kts, 10 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
2025-02-15T17:45:11.913Z - Gear lever raised
2025-02-15T17:45:36.310Z - Approach started at 1577 ft AGL with 2 nm to go
2025-02-15T17:45:58.822Z - Reached 280 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-02-15T17:53:20.344Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-02-15T17:56:04.013Z - On final at 975 ft with 2 nm to go at 139 kts, -2 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2025-02-15T17:57:18.195Z - Touched down at -165 fpm, 1.3g, 132 kts, true heading 173, 0 degrees pitch, 4 degrees bank, wind 180 at 4 kts
2025-02-15T17:57:39.596Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 914 ft
2025-02-15T17:57:53.149Z - Fuel increased to 1757
2025-02-15T17:58:13.404Z - Fuel increased to 1728
2025-02-15T17:58:18.013Z - Fuel increased to 1727
2025-02-15T17:58:47.068Z - Fuel increased to 1718
2025-02-15T17:58:54.838Z - Fuel increased to 1717
2025-02-15T17:59:25.190Z - Fuel increased to 1709
2025-02-15T17:59:34.053Z - Fuel increased to 1708
2025-02-15T18:00:04.277Z - Fuel increased to 1700
2025-02-15T18:00:12.255Z - Fuel increased to 1699
2025-02-15T18:00:43.820Z - Fuel increased to 1691
2025-02-15T18:00:56.875Z - Fuel increased to 1688
2025-02-15T18:00:58.391Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-02-15T18:01:00.584Z - Engine 2 Off