Additional Log Information:
2025-03-02T00:23:17.775Z - Flying Boeing 787-8 Delta Airlines
2025-03-02T00:23:17.776Z - Now boarding
2025-03-02T00:25:29.925Z - Pushing back
2025-03-02T00:28:24.754Z - Engine 1 On
2025-03-02T00:29:28.318Z - Engine 2 On
2025-03-02T00:30:42.360Z - Flaps set to 4%
2025-03-02T00:31:32.153Z - Taxiing out
2025-03-02T00:36:27.408Z - Paused
2025-03-02T00:36:51.583Z - Unpaused
2025-03-02T00:37:22.140Z - Taking off
2025-03-02T00:37:40.491Z - Climbing at 160 kts, 6 degrees pitch, -2 degrees bank
2025-03-02T00:37:47.154Z - Gear lever raised
2025-03-02T00:41:22.731Z - Reached 298 kts below 10,000 feet
2025-03-02T01:03:42.541Z - Cruising at 40000 ft
2025-03-02T07:17:32.966Z - Descending with 104 nm to go
2025-03-02T07:30:47.564Z - Approach started at 12150 ft AGL with 12 nm to go
2025-03-02T07:36:58.230Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2025-03-02T07:39:35.136Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-03-02T07:42:58.966Z - On final at 5239 ft with 4 nm to go at 137 kts, -1 degrees pitch, -1 degrees bank
2025-03-02T07:44:19.812Z - Touched down at -312 fpm, 1.2g, 118 kts, true heading 355, 1 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank, wind 230 at 0 kts
2025-03-02T07:45:06.557Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 1560 ft
2025-03-02T07:48:58.713Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-03-02T07:48:58.713Z - Engine 2 Off