Additional Log Information:
2025-03-13T18:45:42.207Z - Flying Black Square Turbine Duke N6060X
2025-03-13T18:45:42.208Z - Now boarding
2025-03-13T18:45:46.190Z - Paused
2025-03-13T18:46:00.436Z - Unpaused
2025-03-13T18:48:56.634Z - Engine 2 On
2025-03-13T18:50:02.325Z - Engine 1 On
2025-03-13T18:52:25.334Z - Pushing back
2025-03-13T18:52:34.331Z - Taxiing out
2025-03-13T18:53:34.319Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-03-13T18:55:06.334Z - Taking off
2025-03-13T18:55:15.332Z - Climbing at 96 kts, 11 degrees pitch, 4 degrees bank
2025-03-13T18:55:16.557Z - Gear lever raised
2025-03-13T18:55:23.328Z - Pitch exceeded 20 degrees nose up
2025-03-13T18:55:39.330Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-03-13T19:01:32.313Z - Cruising at 6000 ft
2025-03-13T19:08:25.328Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-03-13T19:16:00.326Z - Gear lever raised
2025-03-13T19:16:11.333Z - Descending with 20 nm to go
2025-03-13T19:16:14.326Z - Approach started at 5418 ft AGL with 20 nm to go
2025-03-13T19:22:08.341Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-03-13T19:22:46.334Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-03-13T19:23:20.341Z - On final at 1451 ft with 4 nm to go at 94 kts, 3 degrees pitch, 11 degrees bank
2025-03-13T19:23:59.326Z - Flaps set to 100%
2025-03-13T19:25:51.341Z - Stalling
2025-03-13T19:25:53.329Z - Stall recovered
2025-03-13T19:25:54.337Z - Touched down at -53 fpm, 1.0g, 64 kts, true heading 259, 7 degrees pitch, -1 degrees bank, wind 270 at 1 kts
2025-03-13T19:25:58.354Z - Reached minimum speed of 66 kts
2025-03-13T19:26:27.343Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 2303 ft
2025-03-13T19:29:12.351Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-03-13T19:29:12.351Z - Engine 2 Off