Announcements Archive - Page 4

NWA BAE/RJ Tour part2

Posted on 03/18/2022 by Jerry Hayman

NWA BAE/RJ Tour part2
In May 1983, British airline Dan-Air became the first carrier to launch services using British Aerospace's new 146; the first revenue-earning service was flown between London Gatwick Airport and Berne Airport. Part 1 took you along with DanAir; Part 2 will take you on board with Northwest Airlnes (NWA).   MEC184 - Greg J created this tour and he said “I hope each of you enjoy flying this tour and aircraft as much as I will.”  A big thank you to Greg who built these legs from historical records of the BAE/RJ actual flights.

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DanAir BAE/RJ Tour pt1

Posted on 03/14/2022 by Jerry Hayman

DanAir BAE/RJ Tour
In May 1983, British airline Dan-Air became the first carrier to launch services using British Aerospace's new 146; the first revenue-earning service was flown between London Gatwick Airport and Berne Airport. This tour will take you through the entire evolution of this iconic aircraft. Dan Air will be the first airline in this series flying their routes during the mid 80's. MEC184 - Greg J created this tour and he said “I hope each of you enjoy flying this tour and aircraft as much as I will.”  A big thank you to Greg who built... Read in full

Mirage 10th Anniversary

Posted on 02/26/2022 by Jerry Hayman


To celebrate the day we are going to have a special flight from our very first hub which opened March 1 2012.  We will meet up Tuesday 3/1 at 1600Z with departure as close to 1630Z as we can make it.
KSRQ to KAYS - 231 NM; fly any corporate jet
or fast prop you would like.  This flight is in our Mirage PAX Schedules (MEC1020)  Come join us if you would like.

Most of you know our story but here it is again for our... Read in full

Mirage Liveries for 2020

Posted on 01/27/2022 by Jerry Hayman

We now have more 2020 Mirage liveries in our download section of our website.
Mirage A320 ASOBO
Go check them out if you are flying 2020

**All done by aaMasih

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TBM930 Livery for 2020

Posted on 01/27/2022 by Jerry Hayman

We now have the TBM930 in our download section for MSFS2020.  The 2020 liveries can be found at the bottom of our download list.

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