Announcements Archive - Page 3

Aleutian Islands Tour

Posted on 02/15/2023 by Jerry Hayman

The Aleutian Islands are a chain of 14 large volcanic islands and 55 smaller islands. Most of the Aleutian Islands belong to the U.S. state of Alaska, but some belong to the Russian federal subject of Kamchatka Krai. They form part of the Aleutian Arc in the Northern Pacific Ocean, occupying a land area of 6,821 sq mi  

In June 1942, during World War II, Japanese troops invaded and occupied Attu and Kiska islands. Preparations by U.S. forces to oust the Japanese began shortly thereafter. Attu was retaken after a short but bloody battle... Read in full

TRAILS - AT is Part 3

Posted on 12/19/2022 by Jerry Hayman


Appalachian Trail Tour


The Triple Crown Trail series will consist of three separate tours, the Appalachian Trail tour (AT), Continental Divide Trail tour (CDT) and Pacific Crest Trail tour (PCT).  The Triple Crown refers to the three major U.S. long-distance hiking trails.  The Triple Crown of Hiking is awarded to individuals who hike all 3 trails in their entirety.  An award will be issued at the completion of each tour.


The AT is approx. 2,180 miles long.  It's southern terminus is at Springer Mountain, GA. and it's northern terminus is Mount Katahdin in Maine.  This is a... Read in full

TRAILS - PCT is Part 2

Posted on 12/19/2022 by Jerry Hayman


Pacific Crest Trail Tour


The Triple Crown Trail series will consist of three separate tours, the Appalachian Trail tour (AT), Continental Divide Trail tour (CDT) and Pacific Crest Trail tour (PCT).  The Triple Crown refers to the three major U.S. long-distance hiking trails.  The Triple Crown of Hiking is awarded to individuals who hike all 3 trails in their entirety.  An award will be issued at the completion of each tour.


The PCT is approx. 2,650 miles long.  The southern terminus of the PCT is in Campo, Ca. at the Mexico border.  The northern terminus is at... Read in full

TRAILS - CDT is Part 1

Posted on 12/17/2022 by Jerry Hayman

TRIPLE CROWN TRAIL SERIES - Continental Divide Trail

The Triple Crown Trail series will consist of three separate tours, the Appalachian Trail tour (AT), Continental Divide Trail tour (CDT) and Pacific Crest Trail tour (PCT).  The Triple Crown refers to the three major U.S. long-distance hiking trails.  The Triple Crown of Hiking is awarded to individuals who hike all 3 trails in their entirety.  An award will be issued at the completion of each tour.

The CDT is approx. 3100 miles long from Mexico to Canada.  The trail traverses 5... Read in full

Honor Flight for Todd C

Posted on 08/11/2022 by Jerry Hayman


Honor Flight for Todd

Wednesday morning, 8/10/2022, we lost our dear friend and fellow pilot Todd Cox (MEC002) due to complications of Covid. 

This Saturday (8/13 at 11:30 ET) we are going to hold a flight to honor Todd for all he did for Mirage and MacAir over the years.   

He was a good friend and was always willing to help anyone that needed it.  He did so much behind... Read in full

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