Flight TORITA107

  • Submitted By: Jon Richardson
  • Departure Airport: Pescara International Airport (LIBP)
  • Arrival Airport: Aviosuperficie Celano Abruzzi (LIFP)
  • Aircraft: DHC8 (N840MC)
  • Flight Time: 00.23
  • Date Submitted: 07/22/2023
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(431 load / $ 207.00 per unit
$ 89, 217.00
Fuel Cost:
(20 fuel used @ 1.77 / unit)
$ 35.40

Additional Log Information:

2023-07-22T14:04:04.494Z - Flying Asobo XCub
2023-07-22T14:04:04.494Z - Engine 1 On
2023-07-22T14:04:04.494Z - Gear lever raised
2023-07-22T14:04:04.495Z - Now boarding
2023-07-22T14:04:57.754Z - Flaps set to 0%
2023-07-22T14:05:13.078Z - Pushing back
2023-07-22T14:05:14.602Z - Taxiing out
2023-07-22T14:05:23.312Z - Stalling
2023-07-22T14:05:23.816Z - Stall recovered
2023-07-22T14:05:24.323Z - Climbing at 31 kts, 3 degrees pitch, -17 degrees bank
2023-07-22T14:05:25.348Z - Stalling
2023-07-22T14:05:26.363Z - Stall recovered
2023-07-22T14:05:27.390Z - Stalling
2023-07-22T14:05:27.903Z - Stall recovered
2023-07-22T14:11:52.577Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2023-07-22T14:11:54.107Z - Descending with 25 nm to go
2023-07-22T14:11:55.644Z - Approach started at 3809 ft AGL with 25 nm to go
2023-07-22T14:25:52.759Z - Pitch exceeded 10 degrees nose down
2023-07-22T14:27:03.933Z - On final at 3740 ft with 1 nm to go at 101 kts, -7 degrees pitch, 29 degrees bank
2023-07-22T14:27:39.982Z - Flaps set to 35%
2023-07-22T14:27:47.082Z - Flaps set to 72%
2023-07-22T14:28:04.572Z - Flaps set to 100%
2023-07-22T14:28:49.733Z - Touched down at -25 fpm, 1.0g, 43 kts, true heading 261, 3 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank, wind 251 at 12 kts
2023-07-22T14:28:55.886Z - Flaps set to 0%
2023-07-22T14:28:55.887Z - Stalling
2023-07-22T14:28:57.434Z - Stall recovered
2023-07-22T14:29:01.506Z - Reached minimum speed of 32 kts
2023-07-22T14:29:04.544Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 217 ft
2023-07-22T14:29:56.268Z - Engine 1 Off

Route Map
