Flight MCF2236

  • Submitted By: Tom Taylor
  • Departure Airport: Page Field (KFMY)
  • Arrival Airport: West End Airport (MYGW)
  • Aircraft: C441 (N31FE)
  • Flight Time: 0.56
  • Date Submitted: 10/06/2024
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(10 load / $ 806.00 per unit
$ 8, 060.00
Fuel Cost:
(149 fuel used @ 1.77 / unit)
$ 263.73

Additional Log Information:

2024-10-06T15:13:23.013Z - Flying Flysimware C414AW N427RC GNS530
2024-10-06T15:13:23.013Z - Engine 1 On
2024-10-06T15:13:23.013Z - Engine 2 On
2024-10-06T15:13:23.013Z - Now boarding
2024-10-06T15:13:54.068Z - Fuel increased to 642
2024-10-06T15:14:07.850Z - Pushing back
2024-10-06T15:14:10.388Z - Taxiing out
2024-10-06T15:14:21.093Z - Taking off
2024-10-06T15:14:30.275Z - Climbing at 87 kts, 7 degrees pitch, 3 degrees bank
2024-10-06T15:14:34.882Z - Gear lever raised
2024-10-06T15:14:59.881Z - Flaps set to 17%
2024-10-06T15:19:42.598Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:19:43.630Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:19:51.297Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:19:52.324Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:19:53.341Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:19:53.856Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:19:54.367Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:19:55.895Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:20:20.581Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:20:40.569Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:20:41.581Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:20:42.094Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:20:51.297Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:20:51.809Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:20:53.844Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:20:54.866Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:20:55.371Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:20:56.907Z - Reached minimum speed of 78 kts
2024-10-06T15:21:13.218Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:21:14.243Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:21:15.771Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:21:17.819Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:21:18.836Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:21:20.609Z - Stalling
2024-10-06T15:22:02.970Z - Stall recovered
2024-10-06T15:25:47.649Z - Cruising at 7500 ft
2024-10-06T16:00:18.490Z - Descending with 26 nm to go
2024-10-06T16:00:20.016Z - Approach started at 7196 ft AGL with 26 nm to go
2024-10-06T16:08:03.359Z - On final at 982 ft with 3 nm to go at 132 kts, -1 degrees pitch, -3 degrees bank
2024-10-06T16:09:42.942Z - Touched down at 1 fpm, 1.0g, 68 kts, true heading 111, -0 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank, wind 109 at 13 kts
2024-10-06T16:09:47.539Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 200 ft
2024-10-06T16:10:15.091Z - Engine 1 Off
2024-10-06T16:10:15.091Z - Engine 2 Off

Route Map
