Additional Log Information:
2024-12-30T15:56:58.916Z - Flying TBM 930 Variation 03
2024-12-30T15:56:58.916Z - Engine 1 On
2024-12-30T15:56:58.916Z - Now boarding
2024-12-30T15:57:00.449Z - Fuel increased to 2007
2024-12-30T15:57:13.206Z - Flaps set to 21%
2024-12-30T15:57:23.399Z - Pushing back
2024-12-30T15:57:28.013Z - Taxiing out
2024-12-30T15:59:41.337Z - Taking off
2024-12-30T15:59:55.163Z - Climbing at 96 kts, 5 degrees pitch, 2 degrees bank
2024-12-30T16:00:00.773Z - Gear lever raised
2024-12-30T16:23:38.384Z - Cruising at 19000 ft
2024-12-30T19:22:58.530Z - Descending with 28 nm to go
2024-12-30T19:23:25.132Z - Climbing at 195 kts, 1 degrees pitch, -1 degrees bank
2024-12-30T19:24:42.877Z - Descending with 19 nm to go
2024-12-30T19:36:35.816Z - Approach started at 8732 ft AGL with 13 nm to go
2024-12-30T19:39:25.543Z - Gear lever lowered
2024-12-30T19:40:32.656Z - On final at 1806 ft with 3 nm to go at 125 kts, -5 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2024-12-30T19:41:57.076Z - Touched down at -31 fpm, 1.0g, 77 kts, true heading 268, 1 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank, wind 240 at 5 kts
2024-12-30T19:42:21.079Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 1542 ft
2024-12-30T19:43:07.611Z - Engine 1 Off