Additional Log Information:
2025-01-16T15:54:12.799Z - Flying Beech Baron G58 Private Charter
2025-01-16T15:54:12.799Z - Now boarding
2025-01-16T16:04:45.195Z - Engine 2 On
2025-01-16T16:04:50.476Z - Engine 1 On
2025-01-16T16:05:04.725Z - Flaps set to 78%
2025-01-16T16:05:24.589Z - Pushing back
2025-01-16T16:05:26.633Z - Taxiing out
2025-01-16T16:06:00.675Z - Taking off
2025-01-16T16:06:06.762Z - Climbing at 109 kts, 3 degrees pitch, -2 degrees bank
2025-01-16T16:06:12.861Z - Gear lever raised
2025-01-16T16:13:54.171Z - Cruising at 8500 ft
2025-01-16T16:25:15.191Z - Descending with 22 nm to go
2025-01-16T16:25:16.732Z - Approach started at 7593 ft AGL with 22 nm to go
2025-01-16T16:29:32.682Z - Paused
2025-01-16T16:32:16.882Z - Unpaused
2025-01-16T16:33:42.960Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-01-16T16:36:04.328Z - On final at 1598 ft with 3 nm to go at 109 kts, -4 degrees pitch, 5 degrees bank
2025-01-16T16:37:48.488Z - Touched down at -5 fpm, 1.0g, 89 kts, true heading 014, 3 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank, wind 020 at 14 kts
2025-01-16T16:38:19.001Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 2110 ft
2025-01-16T16:39:06.878Z - Engine 2 Off
2025-01-16T16:39:08.420Z - Engine 1 Off