Additional Log Information:
2025-01-28T13:48:13.828Z - Flying Bonanza G36 Improvement Project
2025-01-28T13:48:13.828Z - Engine 1 On
2025-01-28T13:48:13.828Z - Now boarding
2025-01-28T13:48:15.356Z - Flaps set to 40%
2025-01-28T13:49:33.436Z - Flaps set to 40%
2025-01-28T13:49:44.137Z - Pushing back
2025-01-28T13:49:46.173Z - Taxiing out
2025-01-28T13:49:55.830Z - Taking off
2025-01-28T13:50:03.469Z - Climbing at 100 kts, 7 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
2025-01-28T13:50:09.540Z - Gear lever raised
2025-01-28T13:51:38.058Z - Flaps set to 18%
2025-01-28T14:01:59.002Z - Cruising at 5500 ft
2025-01-28T14:39:29.926Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-01-28T14:39:31.968Z - Engine 1 On
2025-01-28T14:48:49.484Z - Descending with 55 nm to go
2025-01-28T14:50:43.562Z - Approach started at 4696 ft AGL with 50 nm to go
2025-01-28T15:09:30.874Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-01-28T15:09:45.099Z - Pitch exceeded 10 degrees nose down
2025-01-28T15:10:13.261Z - On final at 975 ft with 2 nm to go at 98 kts, -9 degrees pitch, -8 degrees bank
2025-01-28T15:11:27.298Z - Touched down at 15 fpm, 1.1g, 63 kts, true heading 051, 4 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank, wind 270 at 1 kts
2025-01-28T15:11:48.729Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 1562 ft
2025-01-28T15:12:53.312Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-01-28T15:12:54.328Z - Engine 1 On
2025-01-28T15:12:54.831Z - Engine 1 Off