Additional Log Information:
2025-03-08T20:21:01.919Z - Flying Draco X: Passengers
2025-03-08T20:21:01.920Z - Now boarding
2025-03-08T20:21:30.994Z - Fuel increased to 246
2025-03-08T20:24:36.480Z - Engine 1 On
2025-03-08T20:27:20.469Z - Pushing back
2025-03-08T20:27:31.476Z - Taxiing out
2025-03-08T20:29:10.470Z - Flaps set to 25%
2025-03-08T20:29:48.471Z - Taking off
2025-03-08T20:29:54.471Z - Climbing at 72 kts, 4 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2025-03-08T20:30:01.489Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-03-08T20:31:33.479Z - Descending with 43 nm to go
2025-03-08T20:31:35.466Z - Approach started at 5455 ft AGL with 43 nm to go
2025-03-08T20:47:29.484Z - Paused
2025-03-08T20:49:46.611Z - Unpaused
2025-03-08T20:59:32.475Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2025-03-08T21:00:41.475Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-03-08T21:00:57.475Z - On final at 3357 ft with 1 nm to go at 62 kts, -9 degrees pitch, -10 degrees bank
2025-03-08T21:01:16.478Z - Flaps set to 75%
2025-03-08T21:01:21.475Z - Flaps set to 100%
2025-03-08T21:02:21.473Z - Touched down at -85 fpm, 1.1g, 35 kts, true heading 169, 3 degrees pitch, 2 degrees bank, wind 132 at 5 kts
2025-03-08T21:02:27.476Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 57 ft
2025-03-08T21:02:39.475Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-03-08T21:03:34.472Z - Engine 1 Off