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Flight Number | Departure | Arrival | Aircraft | Flight Time | Submitted | Status |
MCF15060 | FAWC | FARS | C185 (N790MC) | 0.19 | 03/12/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15060 | FAWC | FARS | C185 (N790MC) | 0.00 | 03/12/2025 | Rejected |
MCF15057 | MYEF | MYEY | CIRRUS SR22 (NT7422) | 0.16 | 03/11/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15052 | LIBC | LIBN | BEECH D18S (N8460S) | 0.49 | 03/10/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15051 | K38S | K9S4 | BONANZA A36 (N812AD) | 0.48 | 03/10/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15048 | KISM | KX39 | BONANZA A36 (N812AD) | 0.37 | 03/09/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15029 | KS72 | KLAB | QUEST KODIAK (KQ7421) | 0.34 | 03/08/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15014 | WMKC | WMPR | DC3 (CGWIR) | 0.36 | 03/08/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15042 | BGGN | BGJN | H145 (D-HTMM) | 0.35 | 03/08/2025 | Accepted |
MCF15028 | HTSN | HTSI | C185 (N790MC) | 0.37 | 03/07/2025 | Accepted |
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