Mississippi River Tour (MRT) - Part 2 Tour Details

Status: Active
Description: One of the major rivers of North America, the length of the Mississippi River from its source in Lake Itasca in northwestern Minnesota to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico flows 2,348 miles; it is the second longest river in the United States behind the Missouri (2,466 miles). Part 2 of this Tour continues your adventure starting at Tri Township Airport (KSFY) in Illinois and continues via 12 legs until you finally land at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (KMSY). Aircraft to be used should be general a aviation single or multiengined prop.
Mississippi River Tour (MRT) - Part 2

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Tour Flights

Leg Departure Arrival Flight Aircraft Distance
1Tri Township Airport (KSFY)Muscatine Municipal Airport (KMUT)TORMRT13KING AIR C9062 nm
2Muscatine Municipal Airport (KMUT)Southeast Iowa Regional Airport (KBRL)TORMRT14KING AIR C9035 nm
3Southeast Iowa Regional Airport (KBRL)Hannibal Regional Airport (KHAE)TORMRT15KING AIR C9065 nm
4Hannibal Regional Airport (KHAE)St Charles Co Smartt Airport (KSET)TORMRT16KING AIR C9067 nm
5St Charles Co Smartt Airport (KSET)Cape Girardeau Regional Airport (KCGI)TORMRT17KING AIR C90110 nm
6Cape Girardeau Regional Airport (KCGI)County Memorial Airport (KEIW)TORMRT18KING AIR C9041 nm
7County Memorial Airport (KEIW)Blytheville Municipal Airport (KHKA)TORMRT19KING AIR C9037 nm
8Blytheville Municipal Airport (KHKA)West Memphis Municipal Airport (KAWM)TORMRT20KING AIR C9052 nm
9West Memphis Municipal Airport (KAWM)Thompson Robbins Airport (KHEE)TORMRT21KING AIR C9040 nm
10Thompson Robbins Airport (KHEE)Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport (KTVR)TORMRT22KING AIR C90134 nm
11Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport (KTVR)False River Regional Airport (KHZR)TORMRT23KING AIR C90101 nm
12False River Regional Airport (KHZR)Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (KMSY)TORMRT24KING AIR C9077 nm
Total Distance Of Tour: 821 nm

Pilot's Progress

START: KSFYLeg: 1 To: KMUTLeg: 2 To: KBRLLeg: 3 To: KHAELeg: 4 To: KSETLeg: 5 To: KCGILeg: 6 To: KEIWLeg: 7 To: KHKALeg: 8 To: KAWMLeg: 9 To: KHEELeg: 10 To: KTVRLeg: 11 To: KHZRLeg: 12 To: KMSYComplete
1Gideon Culpepper - MEC0005             
2Tom Taylor - MEC0031
3Dave Anderson - MEC0025
4Pat Leclerc - MEC0157
5Todd - Ret. Cox - MEC0002             
6Gary Barns - MEC0032
7Nick Koos - MEC0045
8Greg Joyner - MEC0184
9William Podolak - MEC0011
10Steward Airborn - MEC0218
11RAOUF RIZK - MEC0318         
12Gary Brooks - MEC0542
13Bob Mitchell - MEC0541
14Richard Schmidt - MEC0583             

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