US GA Florida Tour Details

Status: Active
Description: Welcome to sunny Florida. You'll begin your tour in beautiful Key West, which is the southernmost airport in the United States. From there you'll enjoy a beautiful zig zagging route up the spine of the state, hitting airports on both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Once you're as far north in the state as possible, you'll work across the panhandle ending your journey on the ivory beaches of Pensacola. These airports make it easy to connect you into and out of the state for whatever journey you have planned afterward. I intentionally kept your route away from the Miami area so that you won't need to bring your passport. Enjoy Florida. Pack plenty of sunscreen and bring along some shades. Thanks to Steve K. for all the work on this part of the US GA Tour. You will find the routes in our scheduled routes. For airports that have a 3 digit ICAO if you can’t find it in your sim put a K in front of the 3 digits. Thanks to Steve K. for all the hard work on this one. These GA Tours were built for GA aircraft but with Mirage, as usual, you may fly any aircraft of your choosing. Just be sure you have the fuel needed and can manage the runway length. Thanks to Greg J at MacAir for this tour, however, Pat and I decided to build it in reverse from theirs. Enjoy the flights!
US GA Florida

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Tour Flights

Leg Departure Arrival Flight Aircraft Distance
1Pensacola Regional Airport (KPNS)Marianna Municipal Airport (KMAI)TORGAT041KING AIR C90106 nm
2Marianna Municipal Airport (KMAI)Apalachicola Municipal Airport (KAAF)TORGAT042KING AIR C9067 nm
3Apalachicola Municipal Airport (KAAF)Suwannee County Airport (K24J)TORGAT043KING AIR C90110 nm
4Suwannee County Airport (K24J)Cross City Airport (KCTY)TORGAT044KING AIR C9040 nm
5Cross City Airport (KCTY)Craig Municipal Airport (KCRG)TORGAT045KING AIR C9093 nm
6Craig Municipal Airport (KCRG)Gainesville Regional Airport (KGNV)TORGAT046KING AIR C9055 nm
7Gainesville Regional Airport (KGNV)George T Lewis Airport (KCDK)TORGAT047KING AIR C9053 nm
8George T Lewis Airport (KCDK)Crystal River Airport (KCGC)TORGAT048KING AIR C9030 nm
9Crystal River Airport (KCGC)Hidden Lake Airport (FA40)TORGAT049KING AIR C9035 nm
10Hidden Lake Airport (FA40)Spruce Creek Airport (7FL6)TORGAT050KING AIR C9097 nm
11Spruce Creek Airport (7FL6)Merritt Island Airport (KCOI)TORGAT051KING AIR C9048 nm
12Merritt Island Airport (KCOI)Worlds Greatest Aircraft Collection Airport (FA08)TORGAT052KING AIR C9060 nm
13Worlds Greatest Aircraft Collection Airport (FA08)Peter O Knight Airport (KTPF)TORGAT053KING AIR C9037 nm
14Peter O Knight Airport (KTPF)Venice Municipal Airport (KVNC)TORGAT054KING AIR C9050 nm
15Venice Municipal Airport (KVNC)Palm Beach County Glades Airport (KPHK)TORGAT055KING AIR C9095 nm
16Palm Beach County Glades Airport (KPHK)Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (KFXE)TORGAT056KING AIR C9045 nm
17Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (KFXE)Everglades Airpark (X01)TORGAT057KING AIR C9069 nm
18Everglades Airpark (X01)Ocean Reef Club Airport (07FA)TORGAT058KING AIR C9053 nm
19Ocean Reef Club Airport (07FA)The Florida Keys Marathon Airport (KMTH)TORGAT059KING AIR C9055 nm
20The Florida Keys Marathon Airport (KMTH)Key West International Airport (KEYW)TORGAT060KING AIR C9040 nm
Total Distance Of Tour: 1238 nm

Pilot's Progress

START: KPNSLeg: 1 To: KMAILeg: 2 To: KAAFLeg: 3 To: K24JLeg: 4 To: KCTYLeg: 5 To: KCRGLeg: 6 To: KGNVLeg: 7 To: KCDKLeg: 8 To: KCGCLeg: 9 To: FA40Leg: 10 To: 7FL6Leg: 11 To: KCOILeg: 12 To: FA08Leg: 13 To: KTPFLeg: 14 To: KVNCLeg: 15 To: KPHKLeg: 16 To: KFXELeg: 17 To: X01Leg: 18 To: 07FALeg: 19 To: KMTHLeg: 20 To: KEYWComplete
1Dave Anderson - MEC0025
2Tom Taylor - MEC0031
3William Podolak - MEC0011
4Jim Cruse - MEC0279                     
5Jim SIMS - MEC0235
6RAOUF RIZK - MEC0318                  
7Joseph Andujar III - MEC0239                    
8Drew Ritz - MEC0028                    
9Carl Scott - MEC0527
10Gary Barns - MEC0032
11Ross Barton - MEC0598               

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