US GA Tennessee Tour Details

Status: Active
Description: US GA Tour – Tennessee This is a start of a GA Tour around the United States. We will cover the entire United States and each tour will encompass one to two states over a period of time. So break out your favorite GA plane for these short hops to small airports and enjoy the sights. You will find the routes in our scheduled routes. For airports that have a 3 digit ICAO if you can’t find it in your sim put a K in front of the 3 digits. Thanks to Steve K. for all the hard work on this one. These GA Tours were built for GA aircraft but with Mirage, as usual, you may fly any aircraft of your choosing. Just be sure you have the fuel needed and can manage the runway length. Thanks to Greg J at MacAir for this tour, however, Pat and I decided to build it in reverse from theirs. Enjoy the flights! Note: If flying in MSFS 2020, the ICAO KhdI is no longer searchable as this airport is closed and missing in 2020. The runway is usable and coordinates are : Latitude 35 13 13.05N and Longitude is 84 49 54.71W . Directly east of this old airport appears to be the replacement runway labeled KRZR which is the Cleveland Regional Airport (Found by Gary B MEC446).
US GA Tennessee

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Tour Flights

Leg Departure Arrival Flight Aircraft Distance
1Millington Regional Jetport Airport (KNQA)Dyersburg Regional Airport (KDYR)TORGAT001KING AIR C9045 nm
2Dyersburg Regional Airport (KDYR)Carroll County Airport (KHZD)TORGAT002KING AIR C9046 nm
3Carroll County Airport (KHZD)Savannah Hardin County Airport (KSNH)TORGAT003KING AIR C9056 nm
4Savannah Hardin County Airport (KSNH)Maury County Airport (KMRC)TORGAT004KING AIR C9056 nm
5Maury County Airport (KMRC)Smyrna Airport (KMQY)TORGAT005KING AIR C9042 nm
6Smyrna Airport (KMQY)Ellington Airport (KLUG)TORGAT006KING AIR C9033 nm
7Ellington Airport (KLUG)Warren Co Memorial Airport (KRNC)TORGAT007KING AIR C9048 nm
8Warren Co Memorial Airport (KRNC)Marion County Brown Field (KAPT)TORGAT008KING AIR C9040 nm
9Marion County Brown Field (KAPT)Hardwick Field (KHDI)TORGAT009KING AIR C9038 nm
10Hardwick Field (KHDI)Monroe County Airport (KMNV)TORGAT010KING AIR C9030 nm
11Monroe County Airport (KMNV)Rockwood Municipal Airport (KRKW)TORGAT011KING AIR C9027 nm
12Rockwood Municipal Airport (KRKW)Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Airport (KGKT)TORGAT012KING AIR C9057 nm
13Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Airport (KGKT)Moore Murrell Airport (KMOR)TORGAT013KING AIR C9021 nm
14Moore Murrell Airport (KMOR)Scott Municipal Airport (KSCX)TORGAT014KING AIR C9061 nm
15Scott Municipal Airport (KSCX)Upper Cumberland Regional Airport (KSRB)TORGAT015KING AIR C9052 nm
16Upper Cumberland Regional Airport (KSRB)Murfreesboro Municipal Airport (KMBT)TORGAT016KING AIR C9043 nm
17Murfreesboro Municipal Airport (KMBT)Bomar Field Shelbyville Municipal Airport (KSYI)TORGAT017KING AIR C9019 nm
18Bomar Field Shelbyville Municipal Airport (KSYI)Centerville Municipal Airport (KGHM)TORGAT018KING AIR C9052 nm
19Centerville Municipal Airport (KGHM)Robert Sibley Airport (KSZY)TORGAT019KING AIR C9064 nm
20Robert Sibley Airport (KSZY)Fayette County Airport (KFYE)TORGAT020KING AIR C9044 nm
Total Distance Of Tour: 874 nm

Pilot's Progress

START: KNQALeg: 1 To: KDYRLeg: 2 To: KHZDLeg: 3 To: KSNHLeg: 4 To: KMRCLeg: 5 To: KMQYLeg: 6 To: KLUGLeg: 7 To: KRNCLeg: 8 To: KAPTLeg: 9 To: KHDILeg: 10 To: KMNVLeg: 11 To: KRKWLeg: 12 To: KGKTLeg: 13 To: KMORLeg: 14 To: KSCXLeg: 15 To: KSRBLeg: 16 To: KMBTLeg: 17 To: KSYILeg: 18 To: KGHMLeg: 19 To: KSZYLeg: 20 To: KFYEComplete
1Jon Richardson - MEC0013
2Tom Taylor - MEC0031
3Dave Anderson - MEC0025
4William Podolak - MEC0011
5Gary Barns - MEC0032
6Greg Joyner - MEC0184
7RAOUF RIZK - MEC0318                     
8Gary Brooks - MEC0542

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