Italy Tour Part 1 Tour Details

Status: Active
Description: Explore beautiful Italy!

The regions of Italy all have their special culture regarding food, wine, and scenery! We start off in the southern end and will travel up the east coast, across the top, dipping into a bit of French territory over the island Corsica, then across to Sardinia, and then across the Tyrrhenian Sea to the toe of Italy!

Naples, Florence, Venice, Rome, Genoa, Milan, and many other scenic places will be visited! Feel free to use a regional on the long legs and maybe a smaller turbine for the short ones. Have Fun!

You will need to complete both part 1 and 2 to receive the Award.

3 Airports needed to be added.

These may or may not be present in FSX/P3D/XPlane:

Leg 1 & 2 LICB: Comiso Airport

Leg 8 & 9 LIFP: Aviosuperficie Celano Abruzzi

Leg 10 & 11 LIPK: Forli Airport

Tour created by Jon Richardson (MEC0013)
Italy Tour Part 1

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Tour Flights

Leg Departure Arrival Flight Aircraft Distance
1Trapani / Birgi Airport (LICT)Comiso Airport (LICB)TORITA100DHC8115 nm
2Comiso Airport (LICB)Lamezia Terme Airport (LICA)TORITA101DHC8138 nm
3Lamezia Terme Airport (LICA)Taranto / Grottaglie Airport (LIBG)TORITA102DHC8111 nm
4Taranto / Grottaglie Airport (LIBG)Brindisi / Casale Airport (LIBR)TORITA103DHC826 nm
5Brindisi / Casale Airport (LIBR)Bari / Palese International Airport (LIBD)TORITA104DHC861 nm
6Bari / Palese International Airport (LIBD)Foggia / Gino Lisa Airport (LIBF)TORITA105DHC858 nm
7Foggia / Gino Lisa Airport (LIBF)Pescara International Airport (LIBP)TORITA106DHC885 nm
8Pescara International Airport (LIBP)Aviosuperficie Celano Abruzzi (LIFP)TORITA107DHC836 nm
9Aviosuperficie Celano Abruzzi (LIFP)Perugia / San Egidio Airport (LIRZ)TORITA108DHC878 nm
10Perugia / San Egidio Airport (LIRZ)Forli Airport (LIPK)TORITA109DHC869 nm
11Forli Airport (LIPK)Venezia / Tessera - Marco Polo Airport (LIPZ)TORITA110DHC879 nm
12Venezia / Tessera - Marco Polo Airport (LIPZ)Milano / Linate Airport (LIML)TORITA111DHC8130 nm
13Milano / Linate Airport (LIML)Torino / Caselle International Airport (LIMF)TORITA112DHC870 nm
Total Distance Of Tour: 1057 nm

Pilot's Progress

START: LICTLeg: 1 To: LICBLeg: 2 To: LICALeg: 3 To: LIBGLeg: 4 To: LIBRLeg: 5 To: LIBDLeg: 6 To: LIBFLeg: 7 To: LIBPLeg: 8 To: LIFPLeg: 9 To: LIRZLeg: 10 To: LIPKLeg: 11 To: LIPZLeg: 12 To: LIMLLeg: 13 To: LIMFComplete
1Greg Joyner - MEC0184              
2Jon Richardson - MEC0013
3Pat Leclerc - MEC0157              
4Gary Brooks - MEC0542
5Tom Taylor - MEC0031
6RAOUF RIZK - MEC0318             
7Dave Anderson - MEC0025              
8Gary Barns - MEC0032
9William Podolak - MEC0011    

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