Great Lakes Tour (Part 1) Tour Details

Status: Active
Description: This 3 parts Tour will take you all around the Great Lakes area visiting small local airfields in the United States and Canada. All LEGS are short so you will be able to get a few of them done in one sitting if you choose to do so. If you turn your ships traffic up, you should see a lot of ships, big and small. Make sure to taste the local cuisine along the way and take tons of pictures. Recommended aircraft small GA

NOTAM: For XP and FS 2020 users, LEG 2 & 3: 9IN3=3HO

Great Lakes Tour (Part 1)

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Tour Flights

Leg Departure Arrival Flight Aircraft Distance
1Tulip City Airport (KBIV)Benedick Airport (4MI6)TORGL1KING AIR C9058 nm
2Benedick Airport (4MI6)Johnsons Strawberry Farm Airport (9IN3)TORGL2KING AIR C9033 nm
3Johnsons Strawberry Farm Airport (9IN3)Herbert C. Maas Airport (IL02)TORGL3KING AIR C9063 nm
4Herbert C. Maas Airport (IL02)Van Der Vaart Airport (WN03)TORGL4KING AIR C9073 nm
5Van Der Vaart Airport (WN03)Foscoro Airport (99WI)TORGL5KING AIR C9062 nm
6Foscoro Airport (99WI)John Antonneau Memorial (8W1)TORGL6KING AIR C9030 nm
7John Antonneau Memorial (8W1)W Gladstone Airport (43MI)TORGL7KING AIR C9087 nm
8W Gladstone Airport (43MI)MACKINAC County (83D)TORGL8KING AIR C90100 nm
9MACKINAC County (83D)Drummond Island Airport (KDRM)TORGL9KING AIR C9042 nm
10Drummond Island Airport (KDRM)Sault Ste Marie Municipal Sanderson Field (KANJ)TORGL10KING AIR C9038 nm
11Sault Ste Marie Municipal Sanderson Field (KANJ)Grand Marais Airport (Y98)TORGL11KING AIR C9065 nm
12Grand Marais Airport (Y98)Southfork Airport (1MI9)TORGL12KING AIR C9060 nm
13Southfork Airport (1MI9)Houghton County Memorial Airport (KCMX)TORGL13KING AIR C9063 nm
14Houghton County Memorial Airport (KCMX)Saxon Airport (6WI4)TORGL14KING AIR C9089 nm
15Saxon Airport (6WI4)Carlson Airport (9WI9)TORGL15KING AIR C9069 nm
16Carlson Airport (9WI9)Silver Bay Municipal Airport (KBFW)TORGL16KING AIR C9047 nm
17Silver Bay Municipal Airport (KBFW)Thunder Bay Airport (CYQT)TORGL17KING AIR C90108 nm
18Thunder Bay Airport (CYQT)Terrace Bay (CYTJ)TORGL18KING AIR C9092 nm
19Terrace Bay (CYTJ)Wawa Airport (CYXZ)TORGL19KING AIR C90106 nm
20Wawa Airport (CYXZ)Sault Ste Marie Airport (CYAM)TORGL20KING AIR C9090 nm
Total Distance Of Tour: 1375 nm

Pilot's Progress

START: KBIVLeg: 1 To: 4MI6Leg: 2 To: 9IN3Leg: 3 To: IL02Leg: 4 To: WN03Leg: 5 To: 99WILeg: 6 To: 8W1Leg: 7 To: 43MILeg: 8 To: 83DLeg: 9 To: KDRMLeg: 10 To: KANJLeg: 11 To: Y98Leg: 12 To: 1MI9Leg: 13 To: KCMXLeg: 14 To: 6WI4Leg: 15 To: 9WI9Leg: 16 To: KBFWLeg: 17 To: CYQTLeg: 18 To: CYTJLeg: 19 To: CYXZLeg: 20 To: CYAMComplete
1Pat Leclerc - MEC0157
2Dave Anderson - MEC0025
3William Podolak - MEC0011
4Tom Taylor - MEC0031
5Gary Barns - MEC0032
6Jon Richardson - MEC0013           
7Peter Goodman - MEC0219
8Nick Koos - MEC0045
9Greg Joyner - MEC0184                   
10RAOUF RIZK - MEC0318                   
11Paul Rowen - MEC0336
12Joacim Olsson - MEC0334
13Jim Cruse - MEC0279
14Jerry Hayman - MEC0001
15Thierry Debelle - MEC0003                   
16Gary Brooks - MEC0542

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