Papua New Guinea Tour Tour Details

Status: Active
Description: Papua New Guinea is a beautifully lush and mountainous country in Oceania that comprises the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and its offshore islands in Melanesia in Indonesia.

Inspired by "Missionary Bush Pilot" (YouTube), this tour has almost all hard surface runways with a lot of coastal airports although there may be a mountain version with smaller airports in the future.

The default aircraft is the DHC-6 Twin Otter and is best flown in something low and slow like DHC-2(MSFS), a bush plane or even a C172. About half of the legs are under 100 miles but there are a couple over 200 miles.

I have verified that all airports are available in MSFS, XP-12 and P3dv5 although this is probably best flown in MSFS if you have it because of the scenery.


This tour was created by MEC031 Tom, thank you Tom.
Papua New Guinea Tour

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Tour Flights

Leg Departure Arrival Flight Aircraft Distance
1Daru Airport (AYDU)Kikori Airport (AYKK)TORPNG100DHC6-300118 nm
2Kikori Airport (AYKK)Kerema Airport (AYKM)TORPNG101DHC6-30096 nm
3Kerema Airport (AYKM)Port Moresby Jacksons International Airport (AYPY)TORPNG102DHC6-300124 nm
4Port Moresby Jacksons International Airport (AYPY)Gurney Airport (AYGN)TORPNG103DHC6-300192 nm
5Gurney Airport (AYGN)Girua Airport (AYGR)TORPNG104DHC6-300150 nm
6Girua Airport (AYGR)Lae Nadzab Airport (AYNZ)TORPNG105DHC6-300164 nm
7Lae Nadzab Airport (AYNZ)Goroka Airport (AYGA)TORPNG106DHC6-30085 nm
8Goroka Airport (AYGA)Chimbu Airport (AYCH)TORPNG107DHC6-30025 nm
9Chimbu Airport (AYCH)Mount Hagen Kagamuga Airport (AYMH)TORPNG108DHC6-30042 nm
10Mount Hagen Kagamuga Airport (AYMH)Wapenamanda Airport (AYWD)TORPNG109DHC6-30026 nm
11Wapenamanda Airport (AYWD)Komo Airport (AYXM)TORPNG110DHC6-30066 nm
12Komo Airport (AYXM)Tari Airport (AYTA)TORPNG111DHC6-30014 nm
13Tari Airport (AYTA)Vanimo Airport (AYVN)TORPNG112DHC6-300213 nm
14Vanimo Airport (AYVN)Wewak International Airport (AYWK)TORPNG113DHC6-300152 nm
15Wewak International Airport (AYWK)Madang Airport (AYMD)TORPNG114DHC6-300160 nm
16Madang Airport (AYMD)Kimbe Airport (AYHK)TORPNG115DHC6-300277 nm
17Kimbe Airport (AYHK)Tokua Airport (AYTK)TORPNG116DHC6-300136 nm
18Tokua Airport (AYTK)Londolovit Airport (AYKY)TORPNG117DHC6-30079 nm
19Londolovit Airport (AYKY)Kavieng Airport (AYKV)TORPNG118DHC6-300113 nm
Total Distance Of Tour: 2233 nm

Pilot's Progress

START: AYDULeg: 1 To: AYKKLeg: 2 To: AYKMLeg: 3 To: AYPYLeg: 4 To: AYGNLeg: 5 To: AYGRLeg: 6 To: AYNZLeg: 7 To: AYGALeg: 8 To: AYCHLeg: 9 To: AYMHLeg: 10 To: AYWDLeg: 11 To: AYXMLeg: 12 To: AYTALeg: 13 To: AYVNLeg: 14 To: AYWKLeg: 15 To: AYMDLeg: 16 To: AYHKLeg: 17 To: AYTKLeg: 18 To: AYKYLeg: 19 To: AYKVComplete
1William Podolak - MEC0011       
2Dave Anderson - MEC0025                  
3Tom Taylor - MEC0031
4Jeff Hoffman - MEC0007                    
5Gary Brooks - MEC0542
6Jon Richardson - MEC0013
7Larry Lundberg - MEC0263
8Pat Leclerc - MEC0157
9Peter Goodman - MEC0219
10Jerry Hayman - MEC0001
11Joacim Olsson - MEC0334
12Jim Cruse - MEC0279
13Gary Barns - MEC0032
14RAOUF RIZK - MEC0318                   

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